link: Protocol Buffers

Protobuf Syntax

Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) provide a flexible, efficient, and automated mechanism for serializing structured data. They are used extensively in communications protocols and data storage solutions.

Basic Components

Data Types

Protobuf supports several primitive data types and allows for custom defined structures:

  • Basic Types: Includes int, float, double, boolean, and string.
  • Enums: Defines a set of possible values for a field.
  • Messages: Custom complex types that are made up of multiple fields and can be nested.

Field Rules

Fields in a Protobuf message can be categorized based on their required presence:

  • optional: Fields can be omitted. All fields in proto3 are optional by default.
  • repeated: Indicates an array of values. There is no limit on the number of values.
  • oneof: Allows only one of the fields within a set to be set at any time.

Unique Identifiers

Each field in a Protobuf message definition must be tagged with a unique number. These numbers are crucial as they are used in the message’s binary format:

message Student {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;


Data structured by Protocol Buffers is serialized into a compact binary format. For instance, a student record like { "id": "S101", "name": "test" } would be serialized into a byte stream that may look abstracted as 124S101224test. This includes:

  • Field numbers and type information.

  • Data length and actual data.


  • In the above message, 1 is Field Identifier, 2 is for data type- which is string, 4 is for the length of the data and next is the field value (4 characters)
  • Again for field 2, the type is 2 (String) and 4 characters (test)
  • We can clearly see that JSON is highly readable but the Protobuf takes less space when compared to JSON