Date and Time: 2023-10-17 21:36 Tags: CSharp, Design Patterns, Dependency Inversion Principle, Depend on Abstraction

Dependency Injection


Dependency Injection is a design pattern that promotes the separation of concerns in an application by decoupling the components that depend on each other. In simple terms, it is a technique that allows you to provide the dependencies that a class requires from the outside, rather than creating them within the class. This approach helps to reduce the tight coupling between classes, making your code more modular and flexible.

The concept of Dependency Injection revolves around the idea of “dependencies.” In the context of programming, a dependency is when one object relies on another to perform its function. Traditionally, an object would create or find its dependencies internally, but this leads to a tightly-coupled design that’s hard to manage and test.

Dependency Injection addresses this by having dependencies provided to the object (or “injected”), typically through the object’s constructor, a method, or a property. This way, the object isn’t responsible for finding or creating its dependencies, leading to a more modular and flexible design.

Types of Dependency Injection

The three primary types of Dependency Injection are:

Constructor Injection:

The dependencies are provided through a class constructor. This is the most commonly used and the most recommended form of dependency injection.

public interface ILogger  
 void Log(string message);  
public class ConsoleLogger : ILogger  
 public void Log(string message)  
public class MyClass  
 private ILogger _logger;  
 // Constructor  
 public MyClass(ILogger logger)  
 _logger = logger;  
public void DoSomething()  
 _logger.Log(“We did something!”);  

In this example, MyClass is dependent on ILogger. The ILogger dependency is injected via the constructor and can be easily replaced with any class that implements the ILogger interface.

Setter Injection:

The client exposes a setter method that the injector uses to inject the dependency.

public class MyClass  
 private ILogger _logger;  
 // Property  
 public ILogger Logger  
 set { _logger = value; }  
 public void DoSomething()  
 _logger.Log(“We did something!”);  

In this example, the ILogger dependency is injected via the Logger property.

 Interface Injection:

The dependency provides an injector method that will inject the dependency.

Interface injection requires the dependent class to implement an interface that will be used to provide the dependency.

Here’s an example:

public interface ILogger  
 void Log(string message);  
public interface ILoggerSetter  
 void SetLogger(ILogger logger);  
public class MyClass : ILoggerSetter  
 private ILogger _logger;  
 public void SetLogger(ILogger logger)  
 _logger = logger;  
 public void DoSomething()  
 _logger.Log(“We did something!”);  

In this example, MyClass implements the ILoggerSetter interface to allow ILogger dependency injection.

Each of these types has its uses, which we will explore further in the implementation section.

Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a broader design principle that Dependency Injection falls under. It involves inverting the flow of control in a system, meaning that the framework or container calls the custom, user-written code, rather than the other way around.

In the context of Dependency Injection, IoC means inverting the control of managing dependencies. Instead of each object controlling its dependencies, this responsibility is given to an external entity (an IoC container). This external entity creates and wires up dependencies where they are needed.


Standard Practices

The implementation of Dependency Injection in C# aligns with several standard practices. The examples previously given demonstrated how dependencies are injected through constructors, setters, or interfaces. However, there are further aspects to consider:

1. **High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules**: Both should depend on abstractions. This principle, one of the [[SOLID principles]] for object-oriented programming, encourages us to design systems in a way that reduces the dependencies between modules.
2. **[[Abstraction]] should not depend on details**: Details should depend on abstractions. This principle suggests that the overall strategy of a system should dictate the low-level tactics, not the other way around.

Suppose we have a NotificationService class which is a high-level module in our application. This class depends on a EmailService class which is a low-level module for sending notifications.

``` csharp
// Low-Level Module  
public class EmailService  
public void SendEmail(string email, string message)  
// Code to send email  
// High-Level Module  
public class NotificationService  
private EmailService _emailService;  
public NotificationService()  
_emailService = new EmailService();  
public void Notify(string email, string message)  
_emailService.SendEmail(email, message);  

In the above code, NotificationService is tightly coupled with EmailService. This a bad practice because it violate Dependency Inversion Principle. And if we decided to add a new SMSService and decide to use it in NotifacationService we have to change the code of NotifacationService and it will violate another Open Closed Principle

We can solve this by Depend on Abstraction rather than depending directly on EmailService. Let’s define an interface INotificationService, and let the EmailService implement this interface.

// Abstraction  
public interface INotificationService  
void Notify(string contact, string message);  
// Low-Level Module  
public class EmailService : INotificationService  
public void Notify(string email, string message)  
// Code to send email  
// High-Level Module  
public class NotificationService  
private INotificationService _notificationService;  
public NotificationService(INotificationService notificationService)  
_notificationService = notificationService;  
public void Notify(string contact, string message)  
_notificationService.Notify(contact, message);  

Now, NotificationService depends on the abstraction INotificationService, not on the low-level module EmailService. If we need to change our notification method, we just need to create a new class implementing INotificationService, for example, SMSService, and inject it into NotificationService. The NotificationService class itself doesn’t need to change.

This decouples the high-level module from the low-level module and makes the system more modular and flexible.

Simple Example

Let’s consider a common scenario: you have a UserService class that needs access to a UserRepository to perform database operations. Without Dependency Injection, you might instantiate the UserRepository inside the UserService class. With Dependency Injection, you inject the UserRepository into the UserService from the outside. Here’s how it looks in code:

// Without Dependency Injection  
public class UserService  
  private UserRepository _userRepository = new UserRepository();  
  public User GetUser(int userId)  
    return _userRepository.GetUser(userId);  
// With Dependency Injection  
public class UserService  
  private IUserRepository _userRepository;  
  public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)  {  
    _userRepository = userRepository;  
  public User GetUser(int userId)  {  
    return _userRepository.GetUser(userId);  

In the second example, the UserService class’s dependency on IUserRepository is injected through the constructor, promoting a more flexible and testable design.

Dependency Injection Containers

A Dependency Injection Container, also known as an IoC (Inversion of Control) Container, is a framework for implementing automatic dependency injection. It manages object creation and injects dependencies when required, making it easier to implement Dependency Injection in a consistent manner throughout an application.

.NET Core has built-in support for Dependency Injection and comes with its own lightweight IoC container. However, if you need more features, there are other more powerful containers available like Autofac, Ninject, and Unity.

public class Startup  
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  
services.AddTransient<ILogger, ConsoleLogger>();  

In this example, the Startup class has a ConfigureServices method. This is where you configure the application’s services. In the method, a ConsoleLogger is registered as a service that can fulfil the ILogger dependency whenever it’s required. The AddTransient method specifies that a new ConsoleLogger instance should be created each time the ILogger service is requested.


Now that you have a basic understanding of Dependency Injection, let’s explore the benefits it offers to C# developers.

- [[#testability|Testability]]
- [[#reusability|Reusability]]
- [[#maintainability|Maintainability]]
- [[#flexibility|Flexibility]]


Dependency Injection simplifies unit testing by allowing you to easily substitute real implementations with mock objects or test doubles. In the absence of DI, testing can become challenging due to the tight coupling of components.

Consider you want to write a unit test for the UserService class in the previous example. With Dependency Injection, you can pass a mock IUserRepository to the constructor, allowing you to control the behavior of the repository for testing purposes. Without DI, testing might require complex workarounds or database interactions.

// Example of a unit test with Dependency Injection  
public void Test_GetUser()  
  IUserRepository mockRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();  
  mockRepository.Setup(repo => repo.GetUser(1)).Returns(new User { Id = 1, Name = "John Doe" });  
  var userService = new UserService(mockRepository.Object);  
  var user = userService.GetUser(1);  
  Assert.AreEqual("John Doe", user.Name);  


DI promotes code reusability by making it easier to swap out components or extend functionality. For example, you can change the database provider or add caching to your application by creating new implementations of the interfaces and injecting them without affecting existing code.

Let’s say you decide to switch from using a SQL database to a NoSQL database. With Dependency Injection, you can create a new NoSqlUserRepository implementing IUserRepository and inject it into the UserService without changing the UserService code.

public class NoSqlUserRepository : IUserRepository  
 // Implement methods for NoSQL data access  
// Switch to NoSqlUserRepository without changing UserService  
var userService = new UserService(new NoSqlUserRepository());


Dependency Injection leads to more maintainable code. When dependencies are explicitly injected, it’s easier to understand the relationships between classes and their dependencies. This clarity in the codebase simplifies maintenance, troubleshooting, and debugging.


DI enhances the flexibility of your application by making it easier to configure and adapt to different environments. You can configure the dependency injection container to provide different implementations based on configuration settings or other factors.


By understanding Dependency Injection and implementing it in your C# applications, you can create more modular, maintainable, and testable code while gaining the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements. It’s a powerful design pattern that every C# developer should have in their toolbox. When used correctly, Dependency Injection can lead to more reliable, scalable, and maintainable software. So, consider making it a core part of your development practices.
